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These wonderful prints give us a glimpse into the visual art world of yesterday. Evocative and sometimes enigmatic, these posters have withstood time and are as captivating as ever.

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    Shanghai Poster

    Beautiful vintage Shanghai Poster of a girl dressed in the traditional one-piece “chi-pao” leaning on a plum tree and with a park in the background. Advertisement for apparel.

    China 1920’s ~ 1930’s

    Size: 53 × 75 cm

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    Shanghai Poster

    Vintage product poster of the Nang Mang Chao Alcohol and Sugar Company, advertising their Sugar granules and cubes.

    China 1920’s ~ 1930’s

    Size: 49 × 76 cm

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    Shanghai Poster

    Advertisement for the J. Merian Chemical and Pharmaceutical company of Basel, Switzerland. This is the Shanghai Branch calendar for the years 1920-1921.

    China, 1921

    Size: 52 × 76 cm

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    Shanghai Poster

    Shanghai poster depicting a well-read and neatly dressed woman in a reclining pose, surrounded by books.

    China 1920’s ~ 1930’s

    Size: 78 × 54 cm

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    Ukiyo-e means "floating world picture” and is an art form related to woodblock print and painting. It was at its zenith late 17th to late 19th century in Japan. Part of a triptych of a samurai and two geisha. Wood block print on rice paper.

    Japan, mid to late 1800's

    Size: 25 × 37 cm

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    Ukiyo-e means "floating world picture” and is an art form related to woodblock print and painting. It was at its zenith late 17th to late 19th century in Japan. Part of a triptych of a samurai and two geisha. Wood block print on rice paper.

    Japan, mid to late 1800's

    Size: 25 × 37 cm

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    Authentic woodblock by Utagawa Toyokuni (1769-1825). A samurai in his brightly colored robe, two bats and moon above.

    Japan, ca. 1851

    Size: 22 × 17 cm

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    Taiso Yoshitoshi

    Pounding Grain. Wood block print or ukiyo-e by the artist Taiso Yoshitoshi.

    Japan, late 1800's

    Size: 22 × 17 cm

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    Pair of Buffoons beside a huge cauldron. Artist unknown.

    Japan, late 1800's

    Size: 14 x 9.5 cm

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    Dancers under the moon

    Men and women dancers under the moon(Tsukioka Yoshitoshi,1839-1892).

    Japan, ca. 1894

    Size: 20 x 16 cm

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    The Stage Play

    Noh play scene by artist Kyogen

    Japan, late 1800's

    Size: 14 × 9.6 cm

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    Samurai in inset looking

    Samurai in inset looking down on another samurai. Artist: Utagawa Toyokuni, 1769-1825. 。

    Japan, early 1800's

    Size: 14 × 10 cm

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    Kuniyoshi Samurai with Sword

    Samurai with raised sword with rooster in background.

    Japan, mid to late 1800's

    Size: 24 × 36 cm


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