From our thousands of items we have assembled several curated collections.
These collections generally consist of groups of more exclusive items, such as rare furniture, ceramics and antique art pieces from a certain style or period. These special items can be viewed by appointment. If you are looking for a particular item, please send us an email.
We sometimes come across a rare treasure – an item that is simply too special or expensive for our usual consumer-oriented collection and showroom.
When we do, we put out a discreet email to connoisseurs, reputable auction houses and collectors of high-value antiques to let them know we have come into possession of an item of interest. If you would like to be informed of this, you can subscribe to our collector’s email list by clicking here.
Inheriting or being gifted a large collection of antiques can be both a blessing and a burden, but we can help you find a suitable auction.
We offer services such as inventory and assessment, purchase/sale strategy, consignment option, pricing consultancy and repair/restoration/storage options. Contact us for more information.
We have over 11,500 unique items.
Book your warehouse of showroom visit today!